Monday, November 19, 2007

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree...

Christmas has officially arrived at the Smith House! I am usually one of those hard core traditionalist that refuses to put up the tree until after we celebrate Thanksgiving, but the older I get the more I realize how involved the process of decorating the whole house inside and out can be. This year I decided to get a jumpstart so that we wouldn't return from Thanksgiving with a full agenda of decorating to dread! I knew it would take longer this year because I bought all new ornaments for the tree in a new color scheme mainly to "Anderson-proof" it! All of our new ornaments are shatterproof plastic! Yeah!!! Anyway I knew since I had changed the garland and ornaments it would take me a while to figure out just how I wanted it. Plus our house keeper Karen was coming today to clean, so I got this crazy notion that if I could get all of the inside decorations done Sunday then she could sweep up all of the needles and glitter, etc that gets EVERYWHERE!!

So I convinced my husband (aka SCROOGE) to help me get everything down from the attic Sunday after church...well let's just say it went downhill from there! At 11:00 that night we had one tree up and the lights on it, but that was it. I'll let Jeff explain what happened in a way that truly only he can! HA!!

Anyway, this morning I took Anderson to school and then offered to pay my housekeeper Karen extra to stay all day and help me put up the decorations and then clean afterwards. She needed the money, and I needed the help so it was a great deal for both of us. I really wanted the entire inside decorated and clean before Jeff arrived home from work to make up for the fiasco from the night before. We did it! Karen left 10 minutes before Jeff came home! Yeah!!! Now all we have to do is the outside... Hee Hee! ;-)