Friday, November 16, 2007

This time last year...

I just read my sweet little guy 'Twas the Night Before Christmas before putting him to bed and it made me a little teary eyed to think of how big he has gotten since last year. There is nothing like a baby's first Christmas and that will indeed be hard to top, but this year has new and unique things to look forward to as well. Last year he was so small that he really didn't get that it was a special season.

Now, Anderson is really beginning to understand the world around him and communicate with us. He readily says "Ho! Ho! Ho!" when he sees Santa whether it be on an ornament, television, or a picture in a magazine. I put up a small Christmas tree in his room this year (and yes, I know it is early!!) and every night he stares at the lights in amazement. I just had to do colored is a kid's tree afterall. He is starting to learn his colors, and I think the tree lights have been a big help in working towards that goal...there is just one problem...the only two colors he can recognize and say are blue and orange! did this happen?? I know my sister Jennifer (an Auburn graduate) is loving this right now!! Don't worry I'll work on red and white soon!!

These last two pictures are from one of my favorite memories from last year. Jeff, Anderson and I were asked to portray Joseph, Mary and Jesus for our church Christmas Musical. Anderson was perfect and never cried even under the hot lights! What an angel!