Thursday, January 31, 2008

8-8-08 = Brandon Place Smith Babies X 2!!

I have anxiously awaited the go ahead on sharing this news, and I finally got it! Our super cute neighbors, Justin and Amy are having their first baby and guess what the due date is...that's right...we are due the same day! And, did I mention we are both Smiths (no relation). How fun will it be to have two Smith Babies this summer!! Of course, I immediately discussed names with Amy. We can't have children born on the same day with the same first and last name that live in the same neighborhood. Can you imagine the confusion that would cause in elementary school! Luckily none of our girl or boy names were the same. Yeah! Smith's Rule!!

In other pregnancy news...Gwen is also pregnant with number two at the same time I am. You know in Stefani. If you know me, you know I am obsessed with her! Anderson and Kingston were born just three weeks apart and now we are pregnant together again. I need to call and invite little Kingston over for a playdate soon... Ha! :-)