Monday, January 21, 2008

Our Weekend...the good, the bad and the UGLY!!

The "good" was a ton of good food...the "bad" was a sick baby and the "UGLY" would be WALGREENS!!! AGGHHHH!!!

The plan for this weekend was to let GiGi (my mom) have some quality time with Anderson while Jeff and I finished up some projects around the out the garage and cleaning out closets. Jeff had an attic door installed for the space above our garage for extra storage in order to make room for his manly garage. I will be sure to post pics when he finishes it. He is painting, installing metal cabinets, staining the floor, all out man cave type room for my hubby the handyman is the goal!

Well Anderson came down with the croup Wednesday night, but after a trip to the pediatrician and a couple of strong prescriptions later he was feeling better and we decided he was OK to spend the weekend with mom was not going to give up on her time with the little man easily! She is also an RN so he was probably better off with her in the first place! HA! So, mom came down to Tuscaloosa Friday morning and we went to lunch at the Yacht Club, since we NEVER use our minimum in the winter months. The club has tons of animal statues due to the owners love of art. It was a feast for Anderson's eyes. He even said a new word as we walked out the door and past a pair of statues by the door...COUGAR. Yep, it was just that... a statue of a cougar. He also said strawberry while at lunch. They are his favorite food, but he hasn't ever actually called them by name! After lunch mom loaded him up and was off to her house for the weekend with me, of course, calling about 5 times a day!

Meanwhile, Jeff and decided to head out for dinner Friday night since we never get to do that alone anymore! We had an excellent dinner at Chuck's Fish. I ordered a steak and managed to eat all of it and hold it down! Miracle of all Miracles!! The next day we woke up to snow, which made me sort of sad. It was Anderson's first snow and we missed him, but my mom took lots of pictures of him playing in the white stuff at her house! Jeff and I began work on our projects and although we tried we really didn't manage to get all that much actually completed...but progress is progress, right? Saturday night we headed out for dinner again...what a treat! Twice in one weekend! This time we hit up one of my favorites... DePalma's Italian!! They have incredible salad and pasta. We ate until we were stuffed and yes my friends...I managed to enjoy and keep my meal...again!!!

Sunday we headed up to Birmingham to attend The Church of the Highlands. Jeff and I joined the church back in September because they opened a Tuscaloosa campus. This was a church that I attended when I lived in Birmingham, so when I heard they were opening a campus in t-town I begged Jeff to go and visit. We were in a church already, but once we visited C of H we knew it was where we were supposed to be. We both committed to helping with the church plant in Tuscaloosa and it has blessed us immeasurably. We LOVE our new church home! Since we have been going in Tuscaloosa we have been wanting to visit the "big" parent church in Birmingham to check out their new facility. We went and were really wowed by how big it was. Last Sunday they had 8200 people in attendance during 3 services. AMAZING!!

And to keep with the gluttony...we went to lunch at my Birmingham favorite SURIN!! Thai food is the best and I swear I could have eaten a gallon of the coconut shrimp soup! Afterwards, we headed to mom's to pick up Anderson. We got there a little before he woke up from his nap...and when he woke up from his nap it was clear that something was wrong. He was feverish, raspy and VERY cranky! My poor mom kept saying I swear he wasn't like this all weekend...I swear I would have told you he was this sick....Please let him come back...poor thing, she was so scared we were mad at her. We loaded him up and called the after hours pediatrician. As we drove home we waited for a returned call...and waited...and waited. After reaching Tuscaloosa an hour and 20 minutes later we decided to go to Med Center North instead of braving the emergency room and its millions of germs and shady characters. Of course the returned phone call came as we pulled into the clinic...thanks for the prompt service!

So we are there for two hours all said and done and turns out Anderson's croup developed into a severe head cold/sinus infection. With two prescriptions in hand we head to walgreens the only remotely close 24 hour pharmacy (it is now 7:00 on a Sunday night). They were so busy that we waited for 30 minutes in line just to drop off the prescription. We headed home to get Anderson in a steamy shower to get the funk out of his head and then I was going to go back and pick up the medicine. At 8:00 just as I was about to leave they called to tell us they were out of BOTH medications! Are you kidding me??? I was so do you run out of the most commonly prescribed antibiotic on the face of the earth! So at 8:30, an hour past his bedtime, we finally put the monkey to bed and prayed that I could get the prescription to our pharmacy to be filled first thing Monday morning. He tossed and turned all night. At one point I went in and held him and rocked him, which seemed to help a little, but it was still a restless night for all of us.

So now at 10:00 am, 14 hours later, my baby is finally medicated and sleeping...what a weekend!