Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mr. Funny...

Welcome to life with a two year's a little slice of our world right now.

Last night Anderson put up his usual mild yet consistent fight at bedtime. Of course 5 minutes later as we watched on the video monitor he was in bed and fast asleep. Jeff and I went on about our night and thought nothing about his mild protest...until our bedtime when I did my usual "tucking in". As I grabbed the doorknob to his room I quickly realized it was LOCKED!! Somehow the little rascal had managed to bypass the child proof knob insulator and lock the door. I was in shock. I calmly told Jeff...ummm honey....Anderson locked the door. This was followed by several "What?"s and "un uh...for real"s. Finally he believed me and set about trying to pick the lock. Long story short it wasn't one of those simple knobs where you out a pin in and press and release the lock. Oh no...not at our house. Jeff had to actually remove the entire knob with a screwdriver for us to get in the room. Seriously...our barely two year old is already locking us out of his room!

Next story- We have really been working on saying "Please" with Anderson. For some reason this is much more difficult than saying "Thank you". Finally last week when he absolutely refused to say please for a piece of cookie and then proceeded to scream in a full blown tantrum we realized that it is truly an issue with him not wanting to ask for something and just expecting it to be given to him. Well, Jeff and I both agreed to stand strong on that one and MAKE him say please or else he just won't get what he is asking for....Keep that story in mind for this little funny...

The same night that he locked us out, he woke up around 1:30 am and said "I want my mommy". Well since Mommy doesn't really sleep at this stage of pregnancy (I like to say I nap from the hours of 10:00pm- 6:00pm.) I was awake to hear him and decided to go in and check on the little guy. He asked me to get in bed with him...I was a moment of weakness. Once snuggled in his bed he asked in the sweetest voice..."Mommy, hold my hand?" So of course I did. A few minutes later I thought he was asleep and let go of his hand. His eyes popped open immediately and he said very matter of factly..."Mommy, I SAID hold my hand!" Well then yes sir....

Fast forward to the next morning. Jeff and I both stumbled around the kitchen in our sleep deprived states and I jokingly told Anderson that "When we go to bed we stay in the bed ALL asking for mommy or's sleepy time...OK?" He looked right at me cut his eyes a bit and gave that sweet mischievous half smile that absolutely owns me and said very simply "You have to say please, mommy"

Lord help us for the next 16 years or so...I have a feeling it won't be the last time he one ups his tired momma and daddy. :-)


Justin and Marcie said...

THAT IS HILARIOUS!!!! God I love that guy :) I will be emailing this story to all of my work friends...

April said...
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April said...

Wow! That is too funny! Parents of little boys can really appreciate this one!