Sunday, December 14, 2008

Out of the mouths of babes...

Speaking of babes, that is...Two months ago when we took the kids to the Quad for Homecoming we ran into some dance team may remember from this post that Anderson was quite enamored with the "sparkly belly girls". We haven't talked about it since then.

Well fast forward to tonight. We were sitting at the table eating dinner and I told Anderson that Santa Clause 2 was coming on TV tonight. I explained to him that it was about Santa having to get married. Then I asked him who he wanted to marry...his reply without one second of hesitation was "sparkly belly girl, Mommy" with a far off gleam in his eye. It couldn't be Giulidonna or any of his girls from school or even his two female teachers...nope he'll take a sparkly belly girl please. Although, if you are reading this Miss Chandler (our rockstar babysitter) you were a close second! It would seem my son has a thing for blondes... ;-)

Jeff and I almost choked on our food we were laughing so hard. This is such a fun age. He is challenging for sure with his never-ending energy, but little moments like the one tonight make it all worth it!

Keep reading if you haven't checked in for a while. There are a lot of new posts below.