2 months old
3 months old
4 months old
6 month stats:
15 lbs 4 oz (25th % for weight)
24 1/2 inches (10 % for height)
Welcome to our sweet little world of cuddles and chaos!
2 months old
3 months old
4 months old
Posted by Lindsey Smith at Thursday, January 29, 2009 2 comments
I ironed on a rhinestone applique to a plain pink onesie, made the tutu and tripled-up her add a bow. We think she is just "PERFECT"! Stay tuned for legwarmers...I know...can you stand it??
Posted by Lindsey Smith at Tuesday, January 27, 2009 1 comments
I won't tell you how many tears I shed over Harper looking at her mama or gripping her Daddy's hand...have a look see for yourself on Kelly's site. This baby girl is truly a miracle...not just because she beat death, but because she has changed life for so many people. Isn't it crazy how God works all things to his good! Click on the pink Harper button on my sidebar to view Harper's progress! The pics will have you and maybe even your husband teary eyed (not that mine is or anything...no siree, he is Mr. Tough guy! Wink Wink!)
Stay tuned for Lydia's 6 month update...coming soon!
Posted by Lindsey Smith at Monday, January 26, 2009 1 comments
Posted by Lindsey Smith at Monday, January 26, 2009 0 comments
I took this video of Lydia yesterday. It is such a great little snip it of her sweet little personality...always happy! I can't believe my little girl is about to be 6 months old!
Posted by Lindsey Smith at Friday, January 23, 2009 0 comments
Posted by Lindsey Smith at Thursday, January 22, 2009 0 comments
Posted by Lindsey Smith at Sunday, January 18, 2009 3 comments
Posted by Lindsey Smith at Sunday, January 18, 2009 0 comments
Posted by Lindsey Smith at Saturday, January 17, 2009 1 comments
in prayer for a precious, and so prayed for, wanted and loved baby girl. Kelly's Korner Blog is a blog I have been following for quite a while now. After 5 years of infertility, Kelly finally got pregnant and went in for an induction today at 40.5 weeks. The sweet little girl Harper was 9 lbs 12 oz, but wasn't breathing properly. After just a couple of hours in the NICU the doctors have given a very disheartening report and ordered Harper air lifted to Children's Hospital in Arkansas. She is in VERY critical condition with what seems to possibly be a heart issue. Kelly's husband will be going with Harper and Kelly will be following tomorrow morning after her release from the hospital. I can't imagine what it would be like to know your precious child was being flown to another hospital and that you can't go with her. Jeff and I have just spent some serious time in prayer, and I am asking that you pray for baby Harper, Kelly, her husband Scott as well as their families. Also- please pray for wisdom for the Doctors and nurses.
I am so thankful for a God that finishes a good work that he began...Phil 1:6
Go to her blog for updates... she has had over 30, 000 hits today as people waited for Harper's arrival. I have no doubt that there are now 30,000 people praying for her right now. Please join in!
Posted by Lindsey Smith at Friday, January 16, 2009 0 comments
My friend and neighbor came by today to help me out of a childcare dilemma! I had an appointment and no childcare for Lydia, so Amy popped on over with Henry since it was in the middle of Lydia's nap schedule. After I returned, I convinced them to stay for a little lunch and play date. We had so much fun! The babies were just grabbing at each other and watching each other. It was so adorable!
Posted by Lindsey Smith at Tuesday, January 13, 2009 3 comments
We started off our weekend with a family outing to my husband's favorite place on earth...Sam's! Friday night we loaded up and bought bulk...diapers, chicken, nutriagrain bars, etc... I love the prices, but really what does one do with laundry detergent that won't even fit into the cabinet because it's a gazillion gallons! Ha!
Oh well, we saved a lot of money and bought lots of chicken and lettuce. That should help with two of our resolutions: better fiscal and physical fitness.
Saturday, I took Anderson to a birthday party of a friend from school. It was a lot of fun for both of us. Ball Pitts, bouncy houses and slides galore! We have been going to tons of birthday parties, but they have really been for my friends children even though Anderson didn't actually know the child all that well. We always have fun, but there was just something really sweet about watching him interact with his actual friends from school at this particular party! It also gave us parents a chance to really talk and meet for more than 5 seconds when picking up and dropping off.
On a side note...We have had a horrible tragedy within the preschool this week. One of the little boys from the four year old class lost his father Tuesday night completely unexpectedly. The father's name was Brad Carpenter and he leaves behind a wife, Karen and two sons (one 4 yrs and one around 7 I think). Brad was only 33 and passed out, was taken to the hospital where he stabilized and was being held I guess for monitoring. He sent his wife home to tuck in the kids and get the babysitter set for the next day and he passed away while she was home. Can you imagine? My heart breaks for this woman. I ask that those of you that can, please remember her and the boys in your prayers. They certainly need a peace that passes all understanding right now. Many of you may remember my friend Beth whose husband passed away at that same age and also quite unexpectedly while she was pregnant with their first child. It feels like deja vu to hear such a similar story of such a young and obviously loved family man. It just shows us how quickly things in this life can change. It made me hug on my family a little harder this week.
Sunday morning, I headed to First Presbyterian to watch as my Aunt was ordained as a deacon. My nephew John was also supposed to serve as acolyte, but bless his heart turned absolutely green right before the service. He was so sick. He ended up having to have my step- sister Erin take him back home. It was nice to see most of my family all on one pew. The service was quite different from what we are used to on Sunday...there was no multi-media or contemporary worship songs. I even sang out of a hymnal for the first time in about 4 years! I have to say I felt like a fish out of water!! But this was a church I have wonderfully close ties to. I attended often as a single gal when I would travel home for visits, and it was in a Sunday school room there where the first mention of a blind date with my now husband occurred! Charlie, the pastor even married us. It was so nice to chat with him briefly this morning. Watching DeLane be ordained and taking part in Communion with my family was a great way to spend the morning!
Posted by Lindsey Smith at Sunday, January 11, 2009 2 comments
I am ready for some groceries!
Ok, so far I am liking it...
hmmm...not so yummy...
Mom- don't want to hurt your feelings, but I am about to spit this nasty stuff out!!
Ok, yeah, I am officially not digging this rice cereal stuff!!
Anderson, did they make you eat this yucky stuff??
Posted by Lindsey Smith at Tuesday, January 06, 2009 3 comments