Anderson calls firefighters "fighter fighters". So cute...anyway- After a very nasty bout with a stomach bug we sent Anderson to my mom's for last weekend. I was sick, sick, sick! Jeff took care of Lydia and off Anderson went to Gigi and Pop's. On Sunday we drove back up to Birmingham to pick him up. The Chelsea fire station near Mom's house had an open house Sunday and we decided to take Anderson to see the Fighter Fighters... :-) They were so nice to us and let Anderson climb all over their truck and even work the firehouse, which was great right up until the point that Anderson decided to try to get his hair wet and stuck his whole head under the hose! The firefighter who was sooooo hitting on my mom (which was weird for me to watch Ha!) made mom put on all of the garb. Anderson was kind of scared of her when she got it all on! Lydia just hung out in her new favorite spot - the Baby Bjorn. I hated that thing with Anderson, but for a mom with a toddler it is a must!
So adorable!!!! Wish I could have been there :(
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