Saturday, February 16, 2008

Let's Hear it for the Boys......

As this pregnancy progresses I am often asked or actually told most of the time that I MUST want a girl this time around. Jeff and I are pretty sure this is our last baby, but we both know God can always redirect that path. That being said there seems to be an overwhelming and mounting pressure for this baby to be a girl. Now don't get me wrong, I'd love to have one of each... it would be what some say is the perfect set-up...the older brother and little sister combination. But really who is to say what is "perfect"? I know from several recent years of truly seeking God in my life that he knows what is best for me. The difference between my 20's and my 30's is that I am finally smart enough to let him do his thing and stop trying to micro-manage if that can even be done! His handywork has made my life today what it is...happy and content, something that I often used to wonder was even possible with my strong type A personality.

When I was pregnant with Anderson, for some reason I was convinced it was a girl. Jeff was fact all but a couple of people felt strongly we would have a girl. I even had a co-worker tell me "Well, that's Ok you could always have a girl next time"...and no there wasn't a Congratulations in front of that! My poor mother even came to the ultrasound appt. with us dressed in head to toe pink...and yes she was visibly disappointed at the results. That changed very quickly though. I can safely say that my mom is now Anderson's biggest fan! God in his wisdom and perfect plan made our baby a boy. You see I was one of three girls...we didn't understand what to even do with a boy!

Now fast forward 20 months past his birth...I can't imagine it any other way. Watching him in all of his rough and tumble splendor has forced me out of a comfort zone that I may have stayed in if he had been a girl. I go outside more. I welcome a playdate with sand and water...that inevitebily turns into a yucky mud...well most of the time I welcome it! I am way less afraid to get dirty. I am as amazed now by all of the planes, trucks and automobiles that he is so completely mesmerized by. He is a true joy, and I embrace his "boy"-ness everyday!

I am not sure what this child growing inside me will be, but if it is a boy I can assure you that I won't feel like I am missing out on anything. I really almost hope it is a boy because I think that Anderson having a little brother only 2 years younger would be like them both having a built in best friend. I can just see my life at the ball park passing before my very eyes. What fun we would have! I have dreamed several nights that our new baby is a girl, but I have bought a total of 4 matching sets of clothes for Anderson and a little boy sibling...crazy I know, but I really couldn't resist who knows what we will actually end up with!

I recently ran across a blog out of Texas that I have been reading often. I finally came clean and stopped stalking because of a post she wrote about "Boy Love". You see, she too was an all girl family and then had a firstborn son. Her post so reminded me of all of the things I love about being a boy mom and how I really wouldn't mind doing it again! Check her post on sweet boys at this link holding little hands. She is a great writer and has tons of funny stories starring her adorable son, Park.

And if you are a boy mom or know one...I can't recommend these two books more wholeheartedly. They truly gave me a glimpse into how to best mother a son.

Bringing up Boys by Dr. James Dobson
Wild at Heart by John Eldredge


Brittani's Holding Little Hands said...

What a truly sweet post (and not just becausse you said such nice things about me:) Other than the Type A thing you have going on, I could relate to you on every level, which is not surprising since we are long lost sisters! Maybe you could loan me a little more Type A, since I seem to be lacking in that department.

I often wonder what I would do if God told me to choose the sex of our next baby. I am so thankful that decision won't be mine to make and I know my heart will be completely full either way. God is so good!